Around the «Russian seasons»: Rimsky-Korsakov, Delines, Lifar

Svetlana A. Petukhova


This article considers the creation of the cultural brand «Russian concerts»«Russian seasons» in France and Belgium in the last quarter of the XIX – at the beginning of the XX centuries. Its history is seen as a follow-up of the concert series, every of which was a certain stage in the development of the idea of domestic art’s positioning abroad. The nuances of public reception of concerts are recreated on the basis of the analysis of the French press.

The events took place in 1878 (four concerts at the World Exhibition in Paris conducted by Nikolai Rubinstein), in 1889 (two concerts conducted by Rimsky-Korsakov at the same place), in 1890 (one concert in Brussels conducted by Rimsky-Korsakov), in 1900 (one concert in Paris and one in Brussels) and in 1907 (five famous «Historical Russian concerts», organized by Diaghilev at the Grand Opéra). Promotion of Russian operas became the significant component of the process of winning the foreign public’s sympathies. Michel Delines (Mikhail Ashkinazi) translated the librettos of many Russian operas into French and was actively engaged in preparation of premieres. The Delines’ biography was partially revealed as a result of the study of archival documents, which allows to present a portrait of a not particularly talented, but quick and adventurous man, a seeker for profitable orders.

Rimsky-Korsakov’s letters to Delines, enclosed in the appendix to this article, have not been published yet. These documents, acquired by Serge Lifar in 1954 and transferred to the RGALI shortly before his death, reveal the previously unknown nuances of collaboration between the great composer and the mediocre litterateur.

Keywords: Russian concerts, historical Russian concerts, Russian seasons,Diaghilev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Delines, Lifar, translations of Russian operaslibretto, reviews, letters, Paris, Brussels.


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GMZCh. F. 2 (Chaikovskij М. I.). B 10. Papka N° 29. N° 2014. Pis’mo Delinya M. I. Chaikovskomu ot 27 dekabrya 1894 / 8 janvarya 1895 g. L. 7–10 s ob.

GMZCh. F. 2. B 10. Papka N° 29. N° 2015. Pis’mo Delinya M. I. Chaikovskomu ot 2/14 janvarya 1895 g. L. 11–14 s ob.

GMZCh. F. 5 (Taneev S. I.). V 11. N° 937. Pis’mo Delinya Taneevu ot 18/30 maya 1895 g. L. 1–3 s ob.

RGALI. F. 880 (Taneevy V. I. i S. I.). Op. 1. Ed. hr. 220. Pis’mo Delinya Taneevu ot 20 marta / 2 aprelya 1910 g. L. 32–34 s ob.

RGALI. F. 2681 (Lifar’ S. M.). Op. 2. Ed. hr. 27. Pis’ma N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova k Delinyu. L. 1–16 s ob.

RGALI. F. 2681. Op. 1. Ed. hr. 3. Lifar’ S. M. Rimskij-Korsakov v Parije (stat’ya). L. 1–38 b/ob.

RNMM. F. 41 (Belyaev M. P.). N° 18. Pis’mo Письмо Belyaev Taneevu ot 22 oktyabrya 1896 g. L. 1–2 s ob.

RNMM. F. 41. N° 400. Pis’mo Taneeva Belyaevu ot 22 aprelya 1897 g. L. 1–2 s ob.

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