From the «Soyuz Zodchih» of 1917 to the Union of Soviet architects

Yulia D. Starostenko


The article traces the prehistory of the establishment of the Union of Soviet Architects, and the history of the All-Russian «Soyuz Zodchih» (Union of architects) and the Professional «Soyuz Zodchih», in particular. The first of them appeared as a result of 1917 February revolution, and the second separated from it already under the Soviet authority in 1918.

These two unions were the first organizations in the history of Russian architecture to unite all Russian architects in a single community. The article traces in detail the history of creation the All-Russian «Soyuz Zodchih» as the initiative of the Moscow architectural society and the process of uniting Petrograd architects into an independent branch of this union in the spring and summer of 1917. The history of the Moscow and Petrograd branches of the All-Russian «Soyuz Zodchih» after the revolution of 1917 is considered through the prism of building relationship of architects with the new Soviet government. Particular attention is paid to how the desire to participate in the Government’s organizational activities in the field of construction led to a split within the Moscow branch and the emergence of the professional Union of architects, built on the new ideological foundations. The study of two unions of architects’ emergence process in the earliest days of the Soviet era significantly supplements the knowledge about the attempts to create a single organization of architects in the late 1920s - early 1930s, and shows how the same controversial issues prevented architects to unite not by order, but on their own initiative.

The analysis of materials from the Fund of the Union of Soviet architects (RGALI) and publications in the periodical press of 1917-1918 allowed not only to establish the existence of two unions of architects, but to identify their main activities, and to characterize the fundamental differences between them, previously not noticed by researchers. It also allowed to link the All-Russian and Professional «Soyuz Zodchih» with the Union of Soviet architects at the level of general provisions, as well as the level of certain personalities.

Keywords: Soyuz Zodchih, Soyuz deyatelej iskusstv, Union of Soviet architects, architectural society, public organizations, creative unions, architecture, revolution, 1917, 1932


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Copyright (c) 2018 Yulia D. Starostenko

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