Secrets of Josquin Desprez's Motet «Ut phoebi radiis»

Lyudmila I. Sundukova, Nikolai I. Tarasevich


The article is devoted to the curious piece in the motet genre – «Ut phoebi radiis» by Josquin Desprez. The authors consider the assumptions concerning the history of the work and analyze the features of its structure.

Keywords: Josquin Desprez, motet, musical form


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B-Br-ms-9126 – Integrated Database for Early Music (IDEM). URL:

Chigi Codex – Petrucci music library. URL:

Motetti libro quarto. Venezia: Petrucci, 1505.

Copyright (c) 2017 Sundukova Lyudmila I., Tarasevich Nikolai I.

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