Anthems by Henry Purcell: biblical text and its musical implementation peculiarities

Alexander S. Yevdokimov


This article deals with the biblical text musical implementation peculiarities in anthems by Henry Purcell. Together with traditional for baroque music analysis aspects, such as harmonic language or rhetorical figures, an important place is given to a question of musical implementation of the biblical verse structural feature – biblical parallelism.

Attaining a grand synthesis of the English and foreign predecessors and contemporaries musical achievements, Purcell combines in his anthems strong attention to verbal text details with strict following the biblical verse structural features. However composer often freely reconsiders variant of parallelism underlying the selected psalm verses. Thus he brings new colors and inflections into his biblical texts musical implementation.

Keywords: Purcell, English anthem, sacred music, baroque, biblical parallelism, text and music, psalms  


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