About musical ideas of W.A. Mozart’s Sinfonia concertante in E-flat major in the context of «own» and «another’s» problem

Dana A. Nagina


The article is devoted to the unique work by W.A. Mozart Sinfonia concertante for violin, viola and orchestra KV 364/320d in E-flat major which is considered in the context of ideas of «own» and «another’s». These ideas are realized at the level of genre and in other elements of Symphony’s musical language. The genre of the concert symphony was new for the Salzburg tradition in Mozart’s time.  Composer «brought» it from his Mannheim-Paris voyage and interpreted in a very original way as a symphony with concert instruments instead of concert for several instruments and orchestra. The Symphony’s musical text is analyzed in connection with other Mozart’s works (Junia’s aria Fraipensierpiùfunesti from the opera «Lucio Silla», Piano concerto «Jeunehomme» KV 271), as well as the works by other composers (J. Stamitz, M. Haydn, F. Schubert and others).

Keywords: W.A. Mozart, concert symphony, Sinfonia concertante, «own» and «another’s», J. Stamitz, M. Haydn, F. Schubert.


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