On N.S. Gulyanitskaya’s Scientific Creation
The article is devoted to the anniversary date — 95th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, professor of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Doctor of Art History Natalia Sergeevna Gulyanitskaya. Gulyanitskaya is a prominent figure in modern musical science, whose works are well-known in Russia and abroad, for thirty years she headed Department of Music Theory of Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, for twenty years she headed the Dissertation Council of the Academy. As a scientific adviser N. S. Gulyanitskaya trained dozens of young scientists (candidates of art criticism).
The article deals with Gulyanitskaya’ major monographic works and textbooks in such thematic areas as modern harmony, Russian sacred music, modern composition, and the methodology of modern musicology.
In each of these branches of musicology, this scientist made a huge scientific contribution, laying the fundamental foundations for further research. The article gives a broad idea about the books of this famous scientist, published in the famous publishing houses in the period from the late 1970s to today.
Introduction to Music Harmony (1984), Modern Harmony: A Series of Lectures on the Course of Harmony for Students of Music Universities (1977), Harmony and Rationalization Methods in the Music of 50s (Interpretation and Criticism) (1982) — books by N. S. Gulyanitskaya devoted to the harmony in the music of the XXth century. Russian “Harmonic Singing” (XIXth Century) is the first study in Post-Soviet science that studies the Russian tradition of liturgical singing of the XIX century.
Poetics of Musical Composition: Theoretical Aspects of Russian Sacred Music of the 20th Century (2002) — work by N. S. Gulyanitskaya, which presents the sacred music of the beginning and end of the twentieth century.
Russian Music: the Formation of the Tonal System, XI-XX centuries (2005) examines tonal organization in works if various styles and genres, including spiritual ones.
Music Science Methods (2009) is a pioneering study on the methodology of modern music science.
Musical Composition: modernism, postmodernism (history, theory, practice) (2014) and About Modern Composition (2019) are devoted to the study of contemporary art of musical composition.
Keywords: contemporary musicology, musical science, methodology musicology, composer’ word, Natalia S. Gulyanitskaya, Russian sacred music, modern harmony, contemporary musical composition, poetics
For citation: Panteleeva Yu. N. On N.S. Gulyanitskaya's Scientific Creation [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2023, no. 1, pp. 20–42. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2023-1-020-042
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56620/2587-9731-2023-1-020-042
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