Opera which Involves Dance, or Ballet which Involves Singing: Comédie Lyrique on the Stage of the Royal Academy of Music in Paris
The article is devoted to the receptivity of the premiere performances of André Grétry’s musical comedies on the stage of the Paris Royal Academy of Music in the 1780s. Our attention becomes focused on materials of critical reviews in the French press, which became public responses to the premiere productions and testimonies that the ballets in such performances not merely played a significant role, but frequently became the main causes of enthusiastic ovations by audiences.
In the 1780s, Grétry sought to revive the “genuine comedy” in the vein of Molière on the stage of the Royal Academy of Music in Paris. Obviously, in such performances the ballet was given an important role, since, according to the composer, the French had a natural inclination towards this art. Notably, the first comedy “La Double épreuve ou Colinette à la Cour”, notwithstanding its chilly reception, received its ultimate recognition particularly for its pantomimic and dance numbers. They accounted for about a third of the entire composition and, according to the critics, they were “well grouped and beautifully written, creating visual effects full of motion and variety”. “L’Embarras des richesses”, “La Caravane du Caїre”, “Panurge dans l’isle des Lanternes” not only became successful performances highly appreciated for their musical merit, but also significantly enriched the French ballet, including both the pantomime and dance comprising it. The quantity of divertissements and the number of characters involved in them captured the imaginations of the audiences. These were ceremonial productions of comedies with through dramatic development, as well as luxuriant scenic decorations and costumes. they brought together the efforts of the best singers, dancers, artists, costumers and creators of theatrical machinery.
The subtle, sparkling humor, the pleasant music striking by its variety, the finesse of details and small touches also found their refraction in ballet scenes. Their colorfulness and innovativeness pleased the exacting Parisian public to such a great degree that they were applauded enthusiastically not only at the premieres, but also during the repeated performances. Eloquent testimonies of this were imprinted in the French press of the time.
Keywords: Royal Academy of Music in Paris, Grétry, comédie lyrique, Ballet, “Emilie ou La Belle Esclave”, “La Double épreuve ou Colinette à la Cour”, “L’Embarras des richesses”, “La Caravane du Caїre”, “Panurge dans l’isle des Lanternes”
For citation: Safonova A.A. Opera which Involves Dance, or Ballet which Involves Singing: Comédie Lyrique on the Stage of The Royal Academy of Music in Paris [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2023, № 2, pp. 6–27. DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2023-2-006-027
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56620/2587-9731-2023-2-006-027
Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandra A. Safonova
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