The “Scholarly Map of Russia” as a Research Project: An Attempt of Systematization of Musicology

Tatiana I. Naumenko


The published material contains a description of some of the approaches that formed the basis of the project “Scholarly Map of Russia”). This project has become one of the most important sections of the “Priority 2030” academic strategic leadership program, in which the Gnesins’ Russian Academy of Music is included as one of five higher educational institutions. The article contains an overview related to the experience of creating various electronic databases. The attempt to create a universal information resource “Scholarly Map of Russia”, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2013, is examined. The article analyzes some of the reasons that led to an unsuccessful completion of the project. This has made it possible to arrive at two important conclusions: the task should be observable, and it should be carried out not by automatic systems, but by specialists who are well-informed in a particular field of scholarship and able to keep the resource up to date.

The article also presents a panorama of some of the musicological experiments that have been consistently undertaken throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. These include the creation of musical dictionaries, indexes and encyclopedias in the 1920s and 1930s; the development of the Scholarly bibliographic index “Music”; bibliographic publications of individual musicologists – both from the Soviet period and contemporary; the formation of the regional information resource “The Musical Culture of Siberia”, etc. It is noted that Russian musicology is concentrated around conservatory research centers and, accordingly, the geographical factor plays a key role in its formation. This is the reason for the concept of “map”, which in the title of the project is not metaphorical, but literal.

Keywords: “Scholarly Map of Russia”, musicology, information resource, electronic database

For citation: Naumenko T. I. The "Scholarly Map of Russia" as a Research Project: an Attempt of Systematization of Musicology [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2023, no. 1, pp. 56–71. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2023-1-056-071


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