Research in the Gnessins Russian Academy of Music: Priority 2030 Program. Interview with A.S. Ryzhinsky and T.I. Naumenko

Alexander S. Ryzhinsky, Tatiana I. Naumenko, Dana A. Nagina


The article discusses the results of the interviews with Alexander S. Ryzhinsky, Rector of the Gnessins Russian Academy of Music, and Tatiana I. Naumenko, the Academy’s Vice Rector for Research. The questions were related to the program “Priority 2030”.

The year 2021 was named the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. In this regard, “Priority”, described as an “academic leadership program”, is one of the key initiatives of the Russian Government. The program aims “to form a large group of universities that will become the leaders in creating new scientific knowledge, technology, and developments for introduction into the economy and social sphere in Russia”. The program will provide 106 Russian universities with solid funding to conduct large-scale research including international projects. The program funds may be allocated to enhance research and laboratory facilities or to implement new research programs.

The Gnessins Russian Academy of Music is one of the winners of the “Priority 2030” program. In his interview, Professor A.S. Ryzhinsky, Doctor of Art Studies, Rector of the Academy, spoke about the participation in the program. In particular, he focused on the following: the original idea to join the program, the team that designed the Gnessins Academy development program, the Academy’s policies and strategies as part of the “Priority” program. Professor T.I. Naumenko, Doctor of Art Studies, Vice Rector for Research, spoke about further development of research and the support provided to the Academy’s current initiatives and new projects that became possible due to the participation in the “Priority” program.

Keywords: Gnessins Russian Academy of Music, research, “Priority 2030”, Alexander Ryzhinsky, Tatiana Naumenko

For citation: Ryzhinsky A. S., Naumenko T. I., Nagina D. A. Research in the Gnessins Russian Academy of Music: Priority 2030 Program. Interview with A.S. Ryzhinsky and T.I. Naumenko [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2021, no. 3, pp. 3–16. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2021-3-003-016


O programme [About the program]. In: Prioritet 2030. Liderami stanovyatsya [Priority 2030. The leaders are] [Electronic re-source]. 2021. Available at: (accessed at: 15.11.2021).

O sovete po podderzhke programm razvitiya obrazovatel’nykh organizacij vysshego obrazovaniya v ramkakh realizacii pro-grammy strategicheskogo akademicheskogo liderstva «Prioritet 2030» [On the Council for Supporting Development Programs of Educational Institutions of Higher Education in the Framework of Implement-ing the Program of Strategic Academic Leadership “Priority 2030”]. In: Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation] [Electronic resource]. 2021. Available at: (accessed at: 15.11.2021).

Prioritet 2030. Liderami stanovyatsya (oficial’nyj sajt programmy) [Priority 2030. The leaders are (the official website of the pro-gram)] [Electronic resource]. 2021. Available at: (accessed at: 15.11.2021).

Programma razvitiya Federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdeniya vysshego obrazovaniya “Rossijskaya akademiya muzyki imeni Gnesinykh” na 2021–2030 gody [Development program of the Federal State Budgetary Edu-cational Institution of Higher Education “The Gnessin Russian Academy of Music” for 2021–2030] [Electronic resource]. 2021. Available at: (accessed at: 15.11.2021).

List of universities participating in the Priority-2030 program, selected based on the results of the consideration of development programs by the commission [Spisok universitetov-uchastnikov programmy Prioritet-2030, otobrannykh po rezul'tatam rassmo-treniya programm razvitiya komissiej]/ In: Priority 2030. Leaders are becoming [Prioritet 2030. Liderami stanovyatsya] [Electronic resource]. 2021. Available at: приоритет.pdf (accessed at: 15.11.2021).


Copyright (c) 2021 Alexander S. Ryzhinsky; Tatiana I. Naumenko; Dana A. Nagina

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