Plurium Motetorum Mass by Claudin de Sermisy and Its Sources

Margarita A. Grigorieva


«Plurium motetorum» parody mass by Claudin de Sermisy is a unique type of work in this genre, as several various motets were used as its sources, which is reflected in the mass’ title. These motets were written by Claudin de Sermisy's contemporaries Josquin, Gascongne, Consilium, Fevin and two anonymous authors andpublished bythe famous French publisher P. Attaingnant. The article is devoted to identification of the principles of the composer's work with these motets which significantly differ from those traditionally used in this genre.

Key words: mass, parody mass, motet, Renaissance, France, Sermisy, Josquin, Gascongne, Consilium, Fevin.


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