The principal chorale in «Clavier-Übung III» by J.S. Bach
“Clavierübung III” is a cycle consisting of 27 parts. Prelude and Final Fugue constitute the frame for 21 chorale arrangements and 4 duets. Three chorale arrangements (first group) were named “The principal chorale”. Its original source is the ancient one-part plainsong “Kyrie, fons bonitatis”. During the Reformation it was translated into German. Bach distributed three of its verses between three parts of the cycle which still retained the inner unity. This chorale becomes the “theme” for subsequent parts which determines the further development (motivic, tonal, structural, compositional) and unifies the whole cycle. “Borrowed” material becomes an impulse for creating a completely original “own” work.
Keywords: I.S. Bach, choral arrangements, Gregorian hymn
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