Under the Sign of the Gnesins’ house: Marking the Anniversary of prof. Malinkovskaya
The article explores the life and work of Augusta V. Malinkovskaya, Professor of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. Prof. Malinkovskaya is known for her outstanding contribution to preserving the Gnesins’ academic legacy. As a student, she inherited the artistic, pedagogical, and research approaches of her teachers—E.F. Gnesina and A.D. Alekseev, and has been developing and promoting this knowledge throughout her own music career. The research is based on Prof. Malinkovskaya’s works, including the most recent ones published in 2022, as well as her memoirs, and archival materials from Elena Gnesina’s Memorial Museum-Apartment.
The analysis provided insights into Malinkovskaya’s repertoire during her time as a student of the Gnesin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Built around the works of Romanticism and music produced by the 20th century Russian and foreign composers, her repertoire is a balanced combination of conceptuality and virtuosity.
Prof. Malinkovskaya is the author of several research and methodological writings. Among them are Two Artistic Concepts of Romantic Pianism: Etudes in the Works of Chopin and Liszt; Bartok’s Microcosmos; B. Bartok’s Educational Approach and Its Relevance Today: Evidence from Microcosmos; Piano Intonation in Teaching and Performing Music, and many more. All her writings are marked by analytical sophistication and underpinned by personal performing experience. Prof. Malinkovskaya’s research is practice-oriented. She takes an integrated approach to exploring musical training, musicology and performance. The same principle is reflected in many of her other works discussing the life and work of her teachers, the phenomenon of the Gnesins’ music education and its state of the art.
Today, Prof. Malinkovskaya contributes to the preservation, continuous development and transmission of the Gnesins’ traditions to younger generations ensuring the continuity of the Gnesins’ House and its history.
Keywords: A.V. Malinkovskaya, anniversary, Gnesin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute / Russian Academy of Music, Gnesins’ legacy, theory of performing arts, music education
For citation: Belyak D. V. Under the Sign of the Gnesins’ house: Marking the Anniversary of prof. Malinkovskaya [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2022, no. 3, pp. 43–57. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2022-3-043-057
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56620/2587-9731-2022-3-043-057
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