Musicology: Questions, Questions, etc.
Today’s music world is highly dynamic with some trends dying out and others emerging in their stead.In this regard, the category of genre presents an interesting research ground. In modern compositions, the traditional meaning of this concept is undergoing transformation. We are witnessing the emergence of such compositions asan opus-posth or an opus-prenatum (by V. Martynov’sdefinition), simulacrum, palimpsest, graffiti, assemblage,collage, bricolage, postlude, message, post scriptum,etc. In particular, the article focuses on palimpsestsby Benjamin, Apergis, Xenakis, and Martynov, as well as new genre types (Silvestrov’s music) and deconstruction of well-known genre models (Ekimovsky’s music).
The article is a flexible insight into the world of modern music and raises a range of issues related to contemporary music.
Keywords: contemporary music, palimpsest, genre deconstruction, Another Space festival
For citation: Gulyanitskaya N. S. Musicology: Questions, Questions, etc. [Electronic source]. In: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniya / Contemporary Musicology, 2019, no. 2, pp.60–69. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2587-9731-2019-2-060-069
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