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No 4 (2018): Contemporary Musicology A. Batagov's "Selected Letters of Sergei Rachmaninoff": Toward the Problem of "Function-Author" in contemporary musical discourse Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Yulia N. Panteleeva
No 2 (2022): Contemporary Musicology A Fugue as Art: Between Form and Metamorphoses Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Maya I. Shinkareva
No 3 (2019): Contemporary Musicology A Russian way of depicting true Portuguese traditions? Alentejo Suite No. 1 by Luis de Freitas Branco and its connections with intergalisimo lusitano Abstract   PDF   Abstract
Isabel Pina
No 3 (2022): Contemporary Musicology A Scholar Knows No Boundary In Time: An Interview with Avgusta Malinkovskaya Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Augusta V. Malinkovskaya, Margarita A. Bukrinskaya
No 4 (2019): Contemporary Musicology About Methodological Basis of Alban Berg’s Creative Process Abstract   PDF (Русский)   Abstract (Русский)
Yulia S. Veksler
No 2 (2017): Contemporary Musicology About musical ideas of W.A. Mozart’s Sinfonia concertante in E-flat major in the context of «own» and «another’s» problem Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Dana A. Nagina
No 1 (2023): Contemporary Musicology About the Interpretation of a Work of Art Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Natalia S. Gulyanitskaya
No 1 (2018): Современные проблемы музыкознания About the metaphorical reenactment of history in Auber and Scribe's «Gustave III, ou le bal masqué» Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Olga V. Zhestkova
No 4 (2017): Contemporary Musicology About «Own» and «Other’s» in Finale of Shostakovich’s Fifteenth Symphony Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Olga V. Shmakova
Vol 8, No 3 (2024): Contemporary Musicology Ahmed Adnan Saygun’s Opera “Őzsoy” — a Cultural-Political Project and an Artistic Event in 20th Century Turkish Music Abstract   PDF   PDF (Русский)
Natalia I. Degtyareva, Makhruza N. kyzy Dzhavadova
No 1 (2019): Contemporary Musicology Alban Berg. “Diary” of a trip to Leningrad (based on the composer’s notebooks) Abstract   PDF (Русский)   Abstract (Русский)
Yulia S. Veksler
No 1 (2021): Contemporary Musicology An attempt to attribute the authorship of the treatises from the collection “The Modern Musick-Master” (London, 1730). Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Alexei A. Panov, Ivan V. Rosanoff
No 4 (2021): Contemporary Musicology An Experience of Narratological Analysis: Evidence from the Sketches for the Symphonic Poem by Richard Strauss A Hero’s Life Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Olga O. Moskvina
No 2 (2018): Contemporary Musicology An interesting find in the central scientific library of Kharkiv national university Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Кateryna Yu. Elyseeva
No 4 (2018): Contemporary Musicology Anthems by Henry Purcell: biblical text and its musical implementation peculiarities Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Alexander S. Yevdokimov
No 4 (2023): Contemporary Musicology Anton Rubinstein and Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich. Concerning the History of Their Interactions Abstract   PDF
Grigory A. Moiseev
No 3 (2023): Contemporary Musicology Anton Webern and the Renaissance Tradition Abstract   PDF
Irina I. Snitkova
No 4 (2021): Contemporary Musicology Antonio Vivaldi’s Group of Concerts The Four Seasons: From Baroque Synthesis of Arts to New 20th-Century Forms of Artistic Synthesis… Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Aleksandra A. Gorshchuk
No 3 (2021): Contemporary Musicology Approaches to recapitulation in the musical forms of classical style and romanticism Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Mikhail Ye. Pylaev
No 4 (2017): Contemporary Musicology Appropriation in Visual Art, but what about Music? Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Maya I. Shinkareva
No 2 (2018): Contemporary Musicology Archaeology on the opera stage. "Aida" by G.Verdi through the prism of egyptomania of the nineteenth century Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Yulia S. Veksler
No 4 (2023): Contemporary Musicology Arnold Schönberg’s and Alban Berg’s Personal Libraries as a Source of Study of Artistic Biographies Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Yulia S. Veksler
No 3 (2018): Contemporary Musicology Around the «Russian seasons»: Rimsky-Korsakov, Delines, Lifar Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Svetlana A. Petukhova
No 2 (2018): Contemporary Musicology "At last a breach in the wall, "erected by indifference or Cesar Cui's opera. "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" through the eyes belgian music criticism Abstract   PDF (Русский)
Anna V. Bulycheva
No 2 (2019): Contemporary Musicology At the Crossroads of Traditions: Austria and Russia in the Creative Destiny of V. Martin у Soler Abstract   PDF (Русский)   Abstract (Русский)
Irina A. Kryazheva
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